I had my photo shoot scheduled from 1:30pm until 4:00pm on the 16th November and its fair to say it was quite hectic. It was the first time I had a team of people helping me out and each assigned a personal role. My year 1 was my studio manager and definitely did an amazing job of keeping things together for me because to be honest, I was pretty stressed out. I definitely have to work on keeping calm in tense situations and not panicking if things end up going wrong (which quite often, they do).
My time management on the day was not too bad, as I started getting the model ready prior to my slot starting and doing that really helped as we ran into some obstacles later on in the shoot that hindered the outcome to be the best it possibly could. My equipment was booked for a 1:30pm collection time but we weren’t able to access it until 2pm, which slowed the whole process right down as we still had to set everything up.
Whilst we set up my model was getting dressed in the look we styled for her and as soon as that was ready we began shooting. I am disappointed because I didn’t get as many images as I would’ve liked to, so there was less variety for me to choose from and I should’ve got more angles such as full body and close ups.
Anyhow, I still shot some images that I really love and I enjoy the colour theme that I have going on as well, even though its not the same as what I had planned. Next time, I would do things a bit differently but overall it was quite a positive shoot and I feel like I achieved what I was after.

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