I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube, but when I do, I try to check out the Colors account as often as possible. The Colors studio is a musical platform that invites artists from all over the world to come in and showcase a variety of beautiful music and unique sounds. I highly enjoy and respect Colors studio because they feature not only established and popular musicians but also underground and up-and-coming talent of many genre’s. Not only do they promote exceptional talent on their channel, they also pair it up with a clean, minimalistic visual of a block coloured space to perform in and it seems to compliments the artist and their swagger every single time! I am not entirely sure if the artist is allowed to pick their color or it is picked for them (something I need to find out) but either way, it really works and is so aesthetically pleasing for the artist as well as the audience viewing. It also tells us that less is really more a lot of the time and allows the focus to remain on the artist and their talents rather than their surroundings. I highly commend this concept as colours have been such an important part of our society and all cultures for as long as human beings can recall. We have always placed high value in colours and what they signify throughout history and that translates into various industries such as music, fashion, film, photography, art and we always will, which is why this platform really stands out to me the most.
I would really like to incorporate a similar concept into my work and research more into colours and what they symbolize for people and different types of cultures.

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