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The lighting for my test images were played around with in terms of height and positioning quite a lot, as I really wanted a well-lit foreground AND background, I towered one of the lights above the subject next to where I was positioned myself with the camera and placed the other light on the right hand side facing towards the backdrop in order to eliminate as many shadows as possible.
Considering that me and Zayn underestimated the power of these two lights that we used (Quadra ELB 400 and the Quadra ring flash kit) and due to the power of these lights we had to bring down the settings immensely and Zayn even decided on using just the one instead of the two for her shoot altogether.
I would actually like to experiment just a little more and try one more set up before I settle for this particular layout, but overall I was pretty pleased with the outcome and more-so with the simplicity.

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