OK. So this final shoot caused A LOT of problems due to the fact that I have been going through a lot of personal things in my home, and I was struggling to keep in good track with my work towards the nearing of the deadline. My sister suddenly became unavailable to work with past the last (b&w) shoot I did, so I had to take it upon myself to complete one more shoot to add to the collection with yet another mood (a dark one in this case, as it reflects directly on my emotions at the time). Completing this self-portrait task was somewhat hellish, because I’d chosen for this final shoot, in spirit of moving around different rooms in the house for different lighting and overall effect; that I would be most successful carrying out this shoot in the bathroom… with the shower running.
Safe to say, I gave myself a real challenge, which pushed me TREMENDOUSLY because I was also facing a lot of emotion during this and I had to temporarily repress the effects of these emotions in order to complete my work. Naturally, I wanted to end the series as I had started it (with the same model) but unfortunately, this just wasn’t possible. I carried on anyway and avoided using my face in as many shots as possible in order to not distract the viewer too much with the change of model and I was even filled with deep confliction about wether to include it or not, because to tell the truth it was bothering me. However, in the end I chose to include it because I love the actual concept of taking the stocking into the shower, where the water stretches it out; allowing the model to move even more freely than in general as she ‘washes herself down’ (this one has a lot of hidden connotations relating to the struggle it was to get these images shot). My main trouble was with the self-timer and the focus of the camera! It was positively driving me insane as I just couldn’t get it to focus on me, and to add insult to injury, I made the WHOLE BATHROOM completely puddled in water by walking back and forth from the bath in order to get it right and shoot as many angles and poses as physically possible. I even downloaded remote control apps to shoot using my phone instead of going back and forth from the camera every few minutes, but that was all a disaster in itself due to the lack of connection from the WiFi to the bathroom, making it impossible for the camera and phone to work in co-operation with one another. In the end, I managed to find a way to focus the camera, but had to continue waddling in and out of the bath as I was shooting 5 self-timer images at once and the transitions were pretty fast, but I didn’t want to use up memory and battery by not checking the focus of the photos as I was going along. The images (for me) aren’t what I consider amazing in terms of quality, but they are amazing considering the circumstances and trouble that was taken to shoot them.


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