Our parallax class consisted of us demonstrating and creating parallax’s of our own by the river, using shots taken in the afternoon. I do feel that the best way to learn for me is by doing not seeing so getting a chance to shoot and create them throughout the day really helped me to understand the concept of it and how I can practice and develop my own skill through photoshop.
I used this image of Zayn to create my parallax and the movement came from the clouds shifting upwards, it went fairly well and it was fun being able to watch the process and make an image actually move, but I do need to refine and develop my use of photoshop so that there is no obvious mistakes involved next time I create a parallax. As you can see, Zayn’s hair has shifted along with the clouds when the image begins to move, and this gives away the effect of the image so in future I should focus a touch more on the smaller details so that my images can have maximum effect and finesse.

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