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When I began exploring the WPO website’s gallery of winners and short-listers from past competitions, I instantly started my research with the most recent ‘Photographer of the Year’ winner, which was awarded to Italian photographer Federico Borella for his documentary series on the possible correlation between climate change and the suicide of farmers in India. This topic and descriptive statement is already so intriguing that it catches the viewers attention before even being partnered with the images below it.

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If I had to pick a favourite image of the series, it would probably be this one as personally, I really struggle with getting great night time and low level lighting shots so this image really stands out to me. The blue hues of the sky and surroundings are incredible and really set the tone of the image and I feel that Borella has really captured the ‘perfect moment’ of this lady walking through what may be the only spotlight in this darkness at the very right moment. Her facial expression and most of her body language is highlighted and visible to us and we can sense the mood even from afar.
At first glance, I struggled to make the connection between the statement topic and the images, but after really analysing the details I can understand the connection, particularly through the emotion of the subjects.

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