
I kickstarted my test shooting using one of my good friends as a model and I set up a random sort of lighting structure to allow myself to have an official ‘beginning point’ and dictate how I want the photographs to look conclusively and what kind of effect I want the editing (or lack thereof) to have on the overall image. I enjoyed how this shoot turned out and to be completely honest, I do respect how the light appreciates this subject and highlights everything that we desire to get a good look at in these portraits.
I also really enjoy playing around with the colour hues and tones of the images, I figured out that if you set the master hue to whatever colour appears the most or has the largest consistent surface area in the image (more often than not, the backdrop), you can use the slider to change it to a variety of colours on the spectrum, it doesn’t necessarily affect the subject unless they are wearing the colour you have set as the master or they have slight similar hues of the skin.

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