These are the final images I chose to submit to WPO, I paired them up as I felt they looked stronger in couples as opposed to singles and it was interesting to have some of these expressions side by side and no matter how many times I look at them, I still feel something every time!
I also added a self portrait into my series (ANXIETY ALERT!!!) as I’m not sure how well received this might be by my tutors, but this project has been pretty special and inspiring for me in comparison to pretty much everything else I’ve ever done, and it felt so relatable and natural to have a chance to sit in the seat and take my own photos, which then I was shocked by! Due to the fact I’ve never really seen my raw expressions being captured as such, thanks to my gorgeous assistant Zayn also prompting conversation out of me in order to capture such reactions. I felt comfortable, and that’s exactly how I wanted my participants to feel throughout the course of the shooting and interacting.


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