Some notes for the progress of my project so far:

  • My overall idea has turned out fairly well in correspondence with my original vision
  • Booking out a room for every day of the week, including equipment has been challenging but very refreshing as my skills and understanding continue to develop through this process of practice
  • The social interaction has been natural which is what I was aiming for and it’s undeniably interesting and fun getting to know strangers!
  • My time management in general isn’t the best and this is something I am working on and constantly improving as I create a specific flow that works for me (from the beginning of the project throughout to the end)
  • I have hit some small bumps here and there but nothing major, which is strange as usually I endure a lot of obstacles and failures when shooting, but the shift in my attitude and productiveness has been gently aligning the way my project unfolds and plays a massive part in how I deal with any situation that may evolve.
  • An example of a small setback is as follows:

Screen Shot 2019-11-27 at 16.33.21

I have recently bought a new camera that operates under an alternative version of the RAW format and had to fiddle with a few things on my laptop and camera as these specific files aren’t readable on most applications besides lightroom, which is a program I have never operated on before. I have to speak to my tutors and see if they have a viable solution as it may disrupt the final submission of my RAW files.


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