The song that I chose from the artist has a sweet, romantic vibe to it which gives me enough spark to include a love interest in the video and try to catch the essence of a natural chemistry between two people.
Due to the overlap of my projects, I thought that a good idea would be to video record a photoshoot of the artist and have his love interest acting as the photographer throughout, keeping it playful and fun with lots of laughter and hopefully a suitable energy to match the song itself.

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I like the shots used in this video and the angles (quite a few high close ups). The video resonates quite well with the subtlety of the beat and the song which is what my intention is with my video also, I want to emit simplicity and leave all the emotion to be portrayed through the artist and the love interest.
I like the black and white of the video and it keeps the video minimalistic to the viewers and I feel that it strips back some layers so that the attention isn’t taken so much away from the song but it balances out well enough to invoke feeling but still create a nice visual to go with it.

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