
I thought it might be interesting to research some facts about the River Thames and see what kind of history has been linked to it over the years. I found a couple of fun things like the ‘Frost Fair’ that used to be held every year because the river would freeze over and people would engage in activities such as hunting, sledging and ice bowling. The last frost fair was held in 1814 and an elephant (for some strange reason) was led across the river under Blackfriars bridge. Brits seemed to love parading around exotic animals as noted above that King Henry III owned a polar bear and let him swim around the Thames to keep active.
It’s cool to dig into research on the Thames and find out lots of things I had no idea about! the facts represent a different era and a period of time that we really aren’t able to relate to as much anymore. Hopefully I can find out some more hidden gems about the River Thames.

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