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To kick off the new term, our first lecture was an introduction to the expectations of the third year and some of the changes that have been implicated along with the ways in which this might affect our scheduling and workflow over the next few months.

Geraint talked us through the brief section by section and highlighted some of the methods that will encourage us to aspire towards creating our best work, as well as the importance of research and how we can refine and develop our skills with very little restriction on our concepts, hence the term ‘To Master’.
He also displayed to us a few examples of the portfolio’s of the last third year group to graduate and allowed us to decipher what we believe worked well and where there was room for improvement. This helps us to gain an understanding of how we would like our own work to be presented and the message we wish for it to convey.

The brief itself requires a submission of:

  • A series of 5 to 10 images that will be submitted to the Sony World Photography Awards in physical and digital form (A4 prints/RAW files/JPG’s)
  • Evidence of submission to Sony WPA
  • Presentation of professional career plan, calendar, personal ambition and awareness of the industry.

The deadlines to follow for these submissions are: (online) 02/12/19 – 16:00
(physical) 06/12/19 – 09:00

I believe that in order to successfully complete a solid plan for the direction I want my work to head towards, I need to dive right into research of my chosen category (I am currently leaning towards ‘creative’ and ‘portraiture’ above all others) and the type of work that has been highly favoured and popular in the recent years. It will be interesting to see which images have won awards and why, as well as the work that wasn’t quite so successful and how this might assist in inspiring the standard of my own photograph’s.





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