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Moving on from recent setbacks, I’ve had some more time to develop the details of my shoot and what kind of character and ambience I would like to convey through my images and how it would resonate with the personality and aura of my artist and her music. I put together this mood board with the main colours being blue and yellow (various shades of both) as I feel it’s a beautiful combination and very visually attractive. I want to bring attention to my photographs and incite some sort of emotion for whoever is viewing them. I will compare a few colorama backdrops and see which colours work accordingly with my ideas.2fd94900-451a-4db7-8c76-1cbab80659ecca8e4c07-1535-48e4-a6a9-4f2d71b1cd37ccd710ca-cdfa-44d9-9e64-cdccb16b00c7

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